Momentum Live APAC 2020: The role that Docusign plays in supporting remote work

A word that has popped up a lot in recent weeks is ‘pivot’. People and companies are pivoting left, right and centre, quickly adapting their modus operandi to suit the constraints imposed by COVID-19.

At our recent Momentum Live APAC 2020 event – which was a massive pivot in itself, morphing from its usual in-person event featuring expos, learning labs, keynotes and more into a snappy, one-hour virtual event – we asked business leaders how their companies have pivoted during the crisis, and how Docusign is helping them to do so.

Globally, Docusign is here to support organisations through the crisis

First, though, we heard from Docusign CEO Dan Springer about how our company is supporting others during the crisis. As he said, “It really is an honour to help them.” Proud moment for all of us here at Docusign.

Dan talked through how we’re helping frontline healthcare workers with things like touchless patient sign-in and hospital discharge – making the process safer and more traceable. Docusign is also helping Australian businesses to complete JobKeeper applications so employees can access the scheme; and is helping one of the largest cities in the US to certify donations of masks and face shields. In the first week alone, more than 100,000 PPE items were distributed.

Learn more about how we’re helping organisations navigate this challenging time

On a local level, Bulk Send and PowerForms are proving popular

Jon Brown, Solutions Engineer at Docusign in Melbourne, then took the virtual floor to explain how we’re supporting companies with HR processes for those working from home.

For example, Docusign’s Bulk Send feature is being used by organisations to expedite the high volume of forms that need to be sent out to employees for the Australian JobKeeper scheme. Companies can send out the Australian Government form to hundreds or thousands of employees in just a few clicks.

Docusign PowerForms is another tool that we’ve been helping HR people get up and running during COVID-19. This enables an employee to submit a request online quickly and securely – it’s a great self-service tool when face-to-face, paper-based requests are simply not possible.

How other companies are using Docusign during the pandemic

 We then invited three Docusign customers to join us and share how they are using Docusign to support remote work and keep business running during COVID-19.

KPMG Australia

Craig Wishart, CIO, KPMG Australia, said that, “Since COVID-19 began, the advantage of digitised workflows has become so much more evident. Think of the late 1990s or early 2000s – when people would still push trolleys full of yellow envelopes around the office for signing. There’s no integrity or authenticity in that. What we have today is a far better experience that enables the operations of the business, from wherever we are.

“Docusign has supported us in making the transition to full remote work. We use digital signatures across all parts of the business – from invoice processing and accounts payables, to reimbursements, HR, and training.”


At Canva, which has offices around the world including Wuhan and Beijing, Docusign has been a great asset to the company’s transition to remote work. Tiffany Tai, General Manager of Enterprise and Head of Business Operations, said that Canva rolled out Docusign eSignature right before COVID-19 struck – which was great timing in retrospect.

Tiffany said that the integration with Salesforce has been a real bonus. “Docusign and Salesforce make life super easy for customers. Canva is very customer-centric – so this isn’t just a nice add-on, it’s critical to the core of our business if we want to be at the top of our game.

“Internally, our field reps are taking way less time to send out a contract – everything is all signed, sealed and deliver really fast. Now, it takes less than five minutes to fully complete a contract with Salesforce and Docusign, which is huge for us. Docusign also ties in with other internal tools so it checks the box from a security perspective, too.”

Prudential Singapore

Prudential Singapore has been expanding its usage of Docusign since COVID-19 struck. Previously, the financial services company used Docusign for onboarding new staff. Now, as Sherwin Siregar, Head of Distribution Business Management, explained, they are using it for workflows like remote sales, as well as backend functions like procurement and contracts.

“Even in normal circumstances, we hot-desk at Prudential. So our documents and flows need to be seamless – people need to be able to log in and check status of documents. Even without the pandemic, Docusign is a great help,” said Sherwin.

Advice for those who are yet to digitise workflows

For companies that are yet to digitise workflows and integrate eSignature solutions like Docusign, never fear – for advice is here.

Craig recommends looking at the entire value chain, considering all processes in the business and where you can apply digitised workflows. As he said, “Don’t just try and digitise what you’ve got today. Keep your focus on the value chain and the outcome you want.”

Tiffany’s advice for other companies? Consolidation. Make things as seamless as possible, and you’ll achieve the scalability, speed and cost savings that you’re looking for.

And Sherwin suggests that you look at your pain points. Ask the pointed questions. Like, what is slowing you down? What haven’t you been able to do before?

When evaluating a new solution like Docusign, Sherwin recommends the three E’s: Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Engagement. Will it save time, help you do things you couldn’t do before, and increase employee engagement? If it’s a yes all round – which, he said, Docusign was – then you’re onto a winner.

See what KPMG, Canva and Prudential are planning beyond the pandemic

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