How does DocuSign work?


Electronic signing made simple

Easily upload and send documents for electronic signature

Step 1: Upload your document

Simply upload a Microsoft Word, PDF, or other common document format from your computer or from popular file- sharing sites like Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive.

Step 1

Upload your document

Simply upload a Microsoft Word, PDF, or other common document format from your computer or from popular file- sharing sites like Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive.

Step 2: Indicate who needs to sign

Add the names and email addresses of your signers and other recipients, and even specify the order in which they should sign.

Step 2

Indicate who needs to sign

Add the names and email addresses of your signers and other recipients, and even specify the order in which they should sign.

Step 3: Place fields and send

Drag and drop DocuSign fields to indicate where you need a signature, initial, or date. You can also add standard or custom fields for signers to fill in. Then click Send. DocuSign emails a link to each recipient which they can use to access the document. Once the document is complete, it’s stored securely for easy retrieval.

Step 3

Place fields and send

Drag and drop DocuSign fields to indicate where you need a signature, initial, or date. You can also add standard or custom fields for signers to fill in. Then click Send. DocuSign emails a link to each recipient which they can use to access the document. Once the document is complete, it’s stored securely for easy retrieval.

Quickly access and sign documents that require your signature

Step 1: Click the link in email

With one click, you can access the document and start the document signing process on virtually any internet-enabled device.

Step 1

Click the link in email

With one click, you can access the document and start the document signing process on virtually any internet-enabled device.

Step 2: Follow the DocuSign tabs

Tabs and simple instructions guide you through the signing process. Your electronic signatures are secure, legally binding, and widely accepted for most business transactions around the world.

Step 2

Follow the DocuSign tabs

Tabs and simple instructions guide you through the signing process. Your electronic signatures are secure, legally binding, and widely accepted for most business transactions around the world.

Step 3: Finish, and you’re done

Once you’re done signing, click Finish. That's it!

Step 3

Finish, and you’re done

Once you’re done signing, click Finish. That's it!

Readily check a document's status, send reminders, view audit trails, and securely store online

Step 1: Always know your document’s status

Just pull up your DocuSign dashboard to check status and schedule, run reports, and see audit trails. You can always see where your document is in the signing process--and even set automatic reminders and receive notifications at every step of the process.

Step 1

Always know your document’s status

Just pull up your DocuSign dashboard to check status and schedule, run reports, and see audit trails. You can always see where your document is in the signing process--and even set automatic reminders and receive notifications at every step of the process.

Step 2: Documents are saved automatically—and securely

Once completed, both senders and signers have 24/7 anytime, anywhere access to the document. It’s stored online and can be downloaded and printed as needed.

Step 2

Documents are saved automatically—and securely

Once completed, both senders and signers have 24/7 anytime, anywhere access to the document. It’s stored online and can be downloaded and printed as needed.

Step 3: Easy to administer

You can manage internal users, adjust branding, and get visibility into documents across your organization. Advanced options help you adhere to and set compliance policies, as well as access advanced reporting.

Step 3

Easy to administer

You can manage internal users, adjust branding, and get visibility into documents across your organization. Advanced options help you adhere to and set compliance policies, as well as access advanced reporting.


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